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Don’t Get Left Behind – Move To The Cloud With FREE Migrations From Eclipsys

Top organizations are now looking at how they can reinvent themselves by leveraging cloud technologies as well as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to accelerate their business into the future. In our current climate, you cannot be left behind. Consider your industry counterparts according to a recent survey by MariaDB:

  • 51% are planning to move more applications to the cloud
  • 39% expect to be 100% in the cloud
  • 32% are starting a move to the cloud

These organizations are well onto the path to reimagine and reinvent themselves to be better prepared for the future.

Our team can help. Eclipsys is currently offering FREE cloud migrations of your Oracle workloads to any approved Cloud – including OCI, AWS, and Azure. We require zero upfront investment from you and can take you from a pricey cap-ex model to a more affordable op-ex model today.

Isn’t it time you started to see a reduction in your IT spend? TCO reductions of about 50% are reported from moving to the Cloud. Eclipsys is an Oracle CSP (Cloud Service Provider) and the only Canadian partner offering this from Oracle. We have over 10 years’ experience, have an on-shore staff of Certified Cloud Architects with security clearances, and provide our customers with a fixed cost model – no hidden fees.

Change happens one step at a time. Now is the time to take the first step towards your reinvention.

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